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Software Reuse, Domain Analysis and Draco Information

The Draco approach to constructing similar systems from reusable software components is one of the core techniques Bayfront Technologies uses to construct products. The approach was developed in the late 1970s. These documents present the approach as it originally appeared and how it has evolved over the years. While the approach we use today is much changed, these documents are presented here because there is active scientific discussion of the techniques. They continue to evolve and be applied in new ways.

Software Generators
This site focuses on the topic of software generators in general and the Anticipatory Optimization Generator (AOG) in particular. Ted Biggerstaff has created AOG as a system for translating Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) into efficient code. More generally, AOG is a research activity that is attempting to push generator technology to: AOG introduces several new approaches to Domain Specific Language Translation.

Semantic Designs, Inc.
Semantic Designs, Inc. (SD) work by Ira Baxter provides advanced automated software engineering tools to organizations building and maintaining large, complex software systems. SD presently has several offerings for this community:
SD holds that engineering in general, and software engineering in particular, can reap enormous benefit from massive computation applied to analyze, simulate, test, and generate industrial-scale solutions to challenging problems.

Standards/Protocol Information on the Web

Sources for finding a protocol by name or choosing a standard protocol saving you the effort of inventing and checking a nonstandard protocol.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Publishes standards in many areas. Of most importance to protocol developers are the data encoding standards.

Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF)
Publishes standards related to the internet and its protocols usually in electronic form as Request for Comment (RFC) documents.

IEEE Standards
The IEEE publishes standards usually related to hardware devices and software processes. For software protocol developers it is important to unserstand the range of behavior of the lowest level standard interface.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
ITU publishes standards in paper form related to telephony and data communications. The ITU-R standards (formerly CCITT standards) are of most interest to protocol developers. Standards may be purchased at this location.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO is a collection of standards organizations and publishes standards in many fields. The ISO standards on data communications (OSI model) and quality assurance (ISO 9000 series) are of most interest to protocol developers. Standards may be purchased at this location.

US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
NIST publishes a wide range of standards and serves as the standards arm of the US government. Most important for software developers are the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and the connections to recent telecommunication standards.

Document Center Corporation
United States licensed reseller of standards from many organizations. They are fast, inexpensive, and flexible in media available. Document Center is a good way to get a standard right away.
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